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The Logical Indian: This Human Rights Activist Has Rescued Over 5000 Trafficked Victims To Help Them Lead Life With Dignity 

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livemint: Meet Pallabi Ghosh, the woman who has rescued 10,000 people from traffickers

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 Meghalaytimes: Mental health is critical as girls and women are constantly stigmatized, their family don’t even understand the trauma 

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Pressreader: For the last nine years, Pallabi Ghosh has been fighting to break the organised human trafficking chains running in various parts of Delhi and NCR. “I come from the North East
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ETV Bharat: This is the inspiring story of Pallabi Ghosh, who saved 10,000 people, while working against the trafficking of girls

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Thebetterindia: Assam’s Pallabi Ghosh founded the Impact and Dialogue Foundation to rescue girls from child trafficking. She rehabilitates and empowers them through skill-building and community support too.

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DailyHunt: Pallabi Ghosh saved hundreds of women and children from child marriage and forced marriage. It has educated many girls who are child labourers. 
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eenadu: It is enough to hear the voice of a damsel in distress. Pallavi Ghosh saves lives at the risk of many threats. However, he did not back down from his path. Girls’ occupation

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Sakshi: Pallavi Ghosh is single-handedly stopping human trafficking through the ‘Impact and Dialogue Foundation’ she founded, she has been able to save ten thousand children

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GNT: पश्चिम बंगाल की एक 16 साल की लड़की को दिल्ली के जीबी रोड से रेस्क्यू किया गया. ऐसे ही झारखंड की एक लड़की को एक शख्स ने बैंगलुरु के एक घर में घरेलू सहाय… 
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Twocircles: पल्लबी घोष नाम वाली एक लड़की अब तक विंभिन्न जगहो पर कैद 5 हजार  से ज्यादा मासूम लड़कियों को आज़ाद करा चुकी है। पल्लबी घोष के इस निडर और साहसी समाजसेवी के कदमों को कोई जोखिम डिगा नहीं सका है। 

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livehindustan: नेशनल क्राइम रिकॉर्ड ब्यूरो बताता है कि हर साल हमारे देश में हजारों बच्चे लापता हो जाते हैं। इस संगठन के मुताबिक, अकेले 2021 में 77,315 बच्चे गायब हो गए। क्या आप जानते हैं, वे कहां गए? उन्हें कौन…

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Dainik Bhaskar: मैं पल्लबी घोष, बचपन से ही लड़के-लड़की के बीच होने वाले भेदभाव से चिढ़ जाती। यही कारण था कि मैंने पढ़ाई के लिए जेंडर स्टडी को चुना। महिलाओं को पढ़ा, पुरुषों को समझा।
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GoodNewsToday: पल्लबी घोष (Pallabi Ghosh) पिछले 10 साल से ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग (Human Trafficking) में फंसे लोगों को रेस्क्यू कर रही हैं. इस पूरे समय में वे करीब 5000 से भी ज्यादा लोगों को मानव तस्करी से बचा चुकी हैं.

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IndiaTomorrow: #HumanTrafficking #PallabiGhosh #IndiaTomorrow देश में बढ़ती मानव तस्करी, क्या कहते हैं मामलों के जानकार Interview By: Masihuzzama Ansari

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Utkarsh Gaur: Ms. Pallabi Ghosh is the Founder/ Director of Impact and Dialogue Foundation. It is a foundation dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating women
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JoshTalk: Human trafficking is a heinous crime that involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, including women, men, and children. In India, human trafficking is a pervasive problem

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RealHit: Pallabi Ghosh wants to raise funds for Impact Dialogue Foundation for women trafficking Your donation can guide them to reach their fund goals. Please help

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Saurabh Nanda: “…Activism… is a strong action which can help in driving a change…social or political…it makes people think about a cause” – Pallabi Ghosh
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A very important discussion on Human trafficking and Gender based violetion..

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Vital Voices: Meet Pallabi Ghosh, who most recently served as the TIP Response Manager at Shakti Vahini, one of India’s leading anti-trafficking organizations

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SaffronUmbrella: Pallabi is New Delhi based human rights activist who is busy rescuing children from child trafficking. She is an ethnographer who has been working against child rights violation
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Shakti Vahini: Pallavi GHOSH Featured in 16 Rising Young Voices from Delhi in Hindustan Times:Her Motto Free and Equitable Society for All….

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Lumding Daily: Women’s Day doing rounds in every corner, the day we celebrate women empowerment. 

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Assam Daily: Women’s Day doing rounds in every corner, the day we celebrate women empowe-rment. Women are designated to curve the society she’s a power if she works into it and we can’t have a better example.

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Spotify: We have progressed as a society on various levels but unfortunately, we haven’t been able to eradicate slavery. Human trafficking is still a brutal truth of our modern society and technology has amplified and made this crime worse.

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Apple Podcast: We have progressed as a society on various levels but unfortunately, we haven’t been able to eradicate slavery. Human trafficking is still a brutal truth of our 

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Latebloomer: The reality of human trafficking in India is that there are children and women who are sold to brothels and forced into sex work. People are forced to work as grave diggers, beggars and launderers. 
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Hubhopper: We have progressed as a society on various levels but unfortunately, we haven’t been able to eradicate slavery. Human trafficking is still a brutal truth of our modern society and technology has amplified and made this crime worse.

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Mentza: Girls traffica is major problem, village, Girls are facinated by Facebook reel life & they differen..

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Mentza: ACE with Passion 😊 Shambavis Spectrum🌈Pallabi Ghosh- Anti Trafficking activist Pallabi you are the perfect example of women empowerment at the same time as well
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Spotify: Let us meet Pallabi Ghosh , an antitrafficking activist, ethnographer, and researcher specializing in human forced labour, trafficking, and migration-related conflicts. She has worked extensively in social development,

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Actor Richa Chadha supports Nguvu Change Leader Pallabi Ghosh’s campaign against human trafficking. Pallabi seeks increased vigilance at railway stations to combat child trafficking. Richa expresses her commitment to Pallabi’s efforts and highlights the need for action on Instagram.

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Richa expressed her unwavering commitment to Pallabi’s efforts via her Instagram, mentioning that it is the moral responsibility of every one of us to combat child trafficking. In her Instagram post today, she highlighted Pallabi’s call to action 
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